Note: Canada Post is currently striking in Canada, delaying shipments for an unknown amount of time.

Organizations And Associations

Acadian Cultural Society.

Dedicated to helping Acadian Americans better understand their history, culture, and heritage. Founded in 1985; publishes quarterly magazine Le Reveil Acadien.

Contact: P. A. Cyr, President.

Address: P.O. Box 2304, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420-8804.

Telephone: (978) 342-7173.


Association Nouvelle-Angleterre/Acadie.

Those interested in maintaining links among individuals of Acadian descent and their relatives in New England. Conducts seminars and workshops on Acadian history, culture, and traditions.

Contact: Richard L. Fortin.

Address: P.O. Box 556, Manchester, New Hampshire 03105.

Telephone: (603) 641-3450

E-mail: [email protected]


The Center for Acadian and Creole Folklore.

Located at the University of Southwestern Louisiana ( Universitè des Acadiens ), the center organizes festivals, special performances, and television and radio programs; it offers classes and workshops through the French and Francophone Studies Program; it also sponsors musicians as adjunct professors at the university.


The Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL).

A proponent of the standard French language, this council arranges visits, exchanges, scholarships, and conferences; it also publishes a free bilingual newsletter.

Address: Louisiane Française, Boite Postale 3936, Lafayette, Louisiana 70502.

The International Relations Association of Acadiana (TIRAA).

This private-sector economic development group funds various French Renaissance activities in Cajun country.


The Madawaska Historical Society.

Promotes local historical projects and celebrates events important in the history of Acadians in Maine.

Museums and Research Centers

Visitors can see preservations and reconstructions of many nineteenth-century buildings at the Acadian Village and Vermilionville in Lafayette; the Louisiana State University, Rural Life Museum in Baton Rouge, and at the Village Historique Acadien at Caraquet.

Researchers can find sources at Nichols State University Library in Thibodaux; at the Center for Acadian and Creole Folklore of the University of Southwestern Louisiana; and at the Center for Louisiana Studies at the University of Southwestern Louisiana.

Acadian Archives.

Offers on-site reference assistance to its Acadian archives, and to regional history, folklore and Acadian life.

Contact: Lisa Ornstein, Director.

Address: Univerity of Maine at Fort Kent, 25 Pleasant Street, Fort Kent, Maine 04743.

Telephone: (207) 834-7535.

Fax: (207) 834-7518.

E-mail: [email protected].

Sources for Additional Study

Ancelet, Barry, Jay D. Edwards, and Glen Pitre (with additional material by Carl Brasseaux, Fred B. Kniffen, Maida Bergeron, Janet Shoemaker, and Mathe Allain). Cajun Country. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 1991.

Brasseaux, Carl. Founding of New Acadia, 1765-1803; In Search of Evangeline: Birth and Evolution of the Myth. Thibodaux, Louisiana: Blue Heron Press, 1988.

The First Franco-Americans: New England Life Histories From the Federal Writers Project, 1938-1939, edited by C. Stewart Doty. Orono: University of Maine at Orono Press, 1985.


I am grateful to by Evan Heimlich for providing me permission to reproduced the above-noted article. DISCLAIMER BY YVON: The above noted is a very interesting article however, be aware I have found a number of inaccuracies, in same.