Micmac Censuses of 1871, 1881 and 1891, Acadian

Acadian-Micmac Censuses of 1871, 1881 and 1891

The following census material was taken from the Ph.D. thesis, “Change in the Real Property Law of a Cape Breton Island Micmac Band, Volume 2” by Daniel P. Strouthes. This work is a study of the land tenure systems of a band of Mi’kmaq in Cape Breton but it also provides a rich and comprehensive ethnography of a people.

[Important Note by Yvon: I have only included those names which may be Acadian and/or French-Canadian].

Fortunately, part of the research Strouthes had done involved census data which he obtained and analyzed from the Public Archives of Canada in Ottawa. There may be some discrepancies in the data, as Strouthes indicates in his Introduction. For example, a number of Mi’kmaq may have been omitted, being outside the physical range of the census takers; language problems and spelling inaccuracies resulted in distortion of names (such as reversal of first and last names). Ages may also be inaccurate, either because the Mi’kmaq did not stress chronological age or because census takers used their own judgement to determine ages (e.g. some people are listed as younger in 1881 than in 1871!). The literacy and educational level is also subject to inaccuracy, since many Mi’kmaq of the late nineteenth century while fluent in the Mi’kmaq language were not so in English. Therefore, it is possible that many Mi’kmaq referred to as illiterate were illiterate in English only. Similarly people described as literate in Mi’kmaq may have been taken to be literate in English as well. Information on dwellings may refer to wigwams as either wigwams or shanties and seems accurate, though Mi’kmaq in Sydney in the 1881 census were referred to as having houses while the 1891 data indicates the same dwellings were shanties (wigwams).

With these cautions in mind, please use the following census information. For ease of use, place names are written in full rather than abbreviated. These census records are an invaluable resource tool to anyone interested in genealogy or the social life and customs of the Mi’kmaq in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

1871 Census of Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia

Basque, Andrew, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Basque, Ann, Age 43, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Basque, Ann, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Caroline, Age 4, Shanty, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Jeff?, Age 27, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Joe, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, John, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Larry, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Mary, Age 18, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Mary, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Michael, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Basque, Mike, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Noel, Age ?, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Noel, Age 2, Shanty, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford

Battiste, Andrew, Age 68, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Widower, Afton Reserve area
Battiste, Joe, Age 57, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Antigonish County Subdistrict G Division 2 St. Andrew’s
Battiste, John, Age 21, Shanty, Literate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Afton Reserve area
Battiste, Noel, Age 11, Education-?, Afton Reserve area

Bernard, Andrew, Age 21, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Ann Mary, Age 71, House, Literate, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Bella, Age 7, Wigwam, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Bridget, Age ?, Wigwam, North Sydney
Bernard, C. (M), Age 80, Shanty, Literate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Bernard, Charlotte, Age 4, House, Eskasoni
Bernard, Christy, Age 32, House, Literate, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Elizabeth, Age 4, Wigwam, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 70, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 6, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Gabriel, Age 70, House, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Bernard, Harriet, Age 22, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Helen, Age 60, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Helen, Age 3, Wigwam, North Sydney
Bernard, Jerome, Age 23, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, John, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Louisa, Age 80, Shanty, Literate, Married, Wagmatcook
Bernard, Louisa, Age 25, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mabel, Age 19, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 29, House, Literate, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Mary, Age 28, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 30, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 24, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 19, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, Single, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary A., Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Michael, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 27, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 23, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 5, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Peter, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Bernard, Stephen, Age 26, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Stephen, Age 5, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Susan, Age 8, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Bernard, William, Age 39, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney

Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’

Christmas, Benjamin, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Cecily, Age 27, House, Illiterate, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Elizabeth, Age 2, Shanty, Eskasoni
Christmas, Flora, Age 5, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Hubert, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Jane, Age 20, House, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Joanna, Age 3, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, John, Age 30, House, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Joseph, Age 27, House, Can Read, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Joseph, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Judith, Age 64, House, Can Read, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary Ann, Age 3, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary Ann, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Michael, Age 38, Shanty, Can Read, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Nuel, Age 2, Shanty, Eskasoni
Christmas, Pall, Age 24, Shanty, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Pall, Age 67, House, Literate, “Frmwwrgt”, Married, Eskasoni, originally from New Brunswick
Christmas, Pall, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Peter, Age ?, Shanty, Eskasoni
Christmas, Stephen, Age ?, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Susan, Age 1, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Suttie, Age 34, Shanty, Can Read, Single, Eskasoni, originally from Prince Edward Island Christmas, Theresa, Age 27, Shanty, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni

Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’

Dennis, Ann, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Dennis, Belonic, Age 53, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Dennis, Mary, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Single, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Dennis, Mike, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)

Gabriel, Bridget, Age 28, House, Can Read, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Caroline, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Grizzi (F), Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Isabella, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Sydney Division 2
Gabriel, John, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Lewis, Age 40, House, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Mary Joe, Age ?, House, Education-?, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Nicholas, Age 36, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Sydney Division 2
Gabriel, Richard, Age 5, Shanty, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Sally, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, William, Age 38, Shanty, Can Read, Cooper, Married, Pictou County West River and Green Hill

Martin, Isabel, Age 11, House, Education-?, Eskasoni
Martin, Mary, Age 39, House, Illiterate, Quillwork, Widow, Eskasoni
Martin, Nancy, Age 13, House, Education-?, Eskasoni

Michael, Andrew, Age 28, House, Can Read, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Michael, Ann, Age 67, House, Can Read, Married, Eskasoni
Michael, Ann, Age 23, House, Can Read, Single, Eskasoni
Michael, James, Age 25, House, Can Read, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Michael, Joe, Age 1, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Michael, John, Age 85, House, Can Read, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Michael, Peter, Age 2, House, Eskasoni

Muse, Andrew, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Muse, Francis, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Muse, Francis, Age 23, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain, originally from Cape Breton
Muse, Joseph, Age 61, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, Potlotek
Muse, Mary, Age 2, Shanty, Potlotek
Muse, Mary, Age 25, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain, originally from Cape Breton

Nicholas, Ann, Age 29, Shanty, Literate, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Ann, Age 28, House, Illiterate, Single, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Anthony, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Caroline, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Esther, Age 44, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Isabell, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, John, Age -?, House, Eskasoni
Nicholas, John, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, New Glasgow Division 3 Part 1
Nicholas, John, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Nicholas, John, Age 89, House, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni, originally from New Brunswick
Nicholas, Jo Noel, Age 36, House, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Joseph, Age 45, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Mary Ann, Age ?, Shanty, Potlotek
Nicholas, Mary Ann, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Paul, Age 28, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Nicholas, Peter, Age 31, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Santana?, Age 78, House, Illiterate, Married, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Steven, Age 2, House, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Thomas, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Nicholas, Tom, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, New Glasgow Division 3 Part 1

Noel, Ann, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Annasl (F), Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County Divsion 3
Noel, Catherine, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Dennis, Age 44, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Edward, Age 10, Wigwam, Education-?, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Ester, Age 26, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Gabriel, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Potlotek
Noel, Hugh, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Jacob, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, James, Age 26, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Pictou County
Noel, James, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County
Noel, James, Age 5, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Jessie, Age 3, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Joe, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, John, Age 73, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Julie, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Lara, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Lewis, Age 70, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Noel, Lewis, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Madalin, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Madlin, Age ?, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Madlin, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 35, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Mary, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Mary, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 55, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age ?, Wigwam, Education-?, North Sydney
Noel, Mary, Age 42, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Mary, Age 76, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Mabou Division 3
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 50, Shanty, Literate, Married, Potlotek
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 28, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Merrin (M), Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Michael, Age 27, Shanty, Can Read, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Michael, Age 36, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Michael, Age 36, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Married, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Mitchel, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Noel, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Noel, Noel, Age 33, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Noel, Age 6, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Noel, Age 11, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Noel, Age 3, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, No Name (M), Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Peter, Age 1, Shanty, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Peter, Age 4, Wigwam, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Peter, Age 66, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Peter, Age 3, Wigwam, North Sydney
Noel, Peter, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Rose, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Rose, Age 76, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Sarah, Age 5, Shanty, Potlotek
Noel, Sophie, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Steven, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Steven, Age ?, Shanty, Education-?, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Steven, Age 4, Shanty, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Susan, Age 5, House, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Susan, Age 5, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Thomas, Age 48, Wigwam, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Thomas, Age 5, Wigwam, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Victor, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, William, Age 76, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, William, Age 41, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, William, Age 27, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney

Pictou, Ann, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, James, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Mary, Age 50, Shanty, Literate, Widow, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Mary, Age 21, Shanty, Literate, Married, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Noel, Age 28, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Single, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Sarah, Age 24, Shanty, Literate, Single, Afton Reserve area

Poulette, Alice, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Mabou Division 1
Poulette, Catherine, Age 97, Shanty, Illiterate, Marital Status Not Given, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Poulette, Catherine, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook(Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, Christopher, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, C. Mary, Age 76, Shanty, Can Read, Marital Status Not Given, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, Edward, Age 33, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Mabou Division 1
Poulette, Isabel, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Mabou Division 1, originally from Newfoundland
Poulette, J. Francis, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, Lisa, Age 5, Shanty, Mabou Division 1
Poulette, Mary Ann, Age 53, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)

Richard, Ann, Age 5, Shanty, Potlotek
Richard, Betsy, Age 19, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Catherine, Age 29, Shanty, Literate, Married, Potlotek
Richard, John, Age 48, House, Can Read, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Julie, Age 12, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Madlin, Age 15, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Mary Ann, Age 27, House, Can Read, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Peter, Age 30, Shanty, Literate, Carpenter/Fisherman, Married, Potlotek
Richard, Sarah, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek

Sappier, Paul, Age 60, Shanty, Illiterate, Labourer, Single, Pictou County Division 3

1881 Census of Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia

Abram, Andrew, Age 60, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Truro
Abram, Charlotte, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Truro
Abram, John, Age 1, Shanty, Truro
Abram, Joseph, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Truro
Abram, Louis, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Truro
Abram, Madeline, Age 44, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Truro
Abram, Moses, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Truro
Abram, Noel, Age 25, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Truro
Abram, Sarah, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Truro

Basque, Andrew, Age 26, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Basque, Jessie, Age 13, House, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Basque, Mary, Age 1 Month, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Basque, Mary, Age 42, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Basque, Michael, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Basque, Simon, Age 17, House, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Basque, Steven Jo, Age 28, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Basque, Susan, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)

Battiste, Andrew, Age 25, Shanty, Education-?, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Battiste, Elizabeth, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Potlotek
Battiste, Joseph, Age 70, House, Education-?, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Battiste, Mary, Age 61, House, Education-?, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Battiste, Steven, Age 1, Shanty, Potlotek

Bernard, ? (F), Age 1, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, ? (M), Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Andrew, Age 25, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Bernard, Andrew, Age 36, Shanty, Education-?, Coal Trimmer, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Ann Mary, Age 78, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Bernard, Ben, Age 1, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Bridget, Age 25, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Bernard, Bridget, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Christy, Age 40, Shanty, No Occupation Listed, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Christy, Age 33, House, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Sydney
Bernard, Ellen, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Ellen, Age 79, Shanty, Education-?, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Fanny, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Bernard, Francis, Age 6, House, Education-?, Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Coal Trimmer, Single, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 22, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 79, Shanty, Education-?, Occupation Not Given, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Gabriel, Age 65, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Bernard, Gabriel, Age 80, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Bernard, Harriet, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Harriet, Age 34, Shanty, Education-?, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Helen, Age 2 Months, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Henry, Age 36, House, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Sydney
Bernard, Jane, Age 3, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Jane, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Jessie, Age 3, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, John, Age 58, Shanty, Education-?, Occupation Not Given, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Lawrence, Age 39, Shanty, Education-?, Coal Trimmer, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Louis, Age 40, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Bernard, Madelin, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Madeline, Age 1, Shanty, Eskasoni
Bernard, Madeline, Age 50, Shanty, Education-?, Single, North Sydney
Bernard, Madeline, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Magdelin, Age 30, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 38, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Mary, Age 48?, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Bernard, Mary, Age 40?, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 12, House, Education-?, Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 4, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?,North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 34, Shanty, Education-?, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 37?, Shanty, Education-?, Married, North Sydney, originally from Newfoundland
Bernard, Mary, Age 45, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Bernard, Mary, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Amherst, originally from Prince Edward Island
Bernard, Mary Ann, Age 21, Shanty, Education-?, Single, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary Ann, Age 2, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Michael, Age 2, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Nicholas, Age 34?, House, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 1, Shanty, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Occupation Not Given, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 40, Shanty, Education-?, Occupation Not Listed, Married, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Bernard, Peter, Age 2, Shanty, Amherst,originally from New Brunswick
Bernard, Ronald?, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Samuel, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Stephen, Age 57, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Bernard, Susan, Age 6, House, Education-?, Sydney
Bernard, Susan, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, William, Age 45, Shanty, Education-?, Coal Trimmer, Widower, North Sydney

Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’

Christmas, Ben, Age 62, Shanty, Education-?, Not of Roman Catholic Faith, Cooper, Married, Truro
Christmas, Ben, Age 16, House, Education-?, Cooper, Sydney
Christmas, Bridget, Age 7, House, Education-School, Eskasoni
Christmas, Cecily, Age 17, House, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Christy, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Town of Antigonish
Christmas, Ellen, Age 2, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Flora, Age 14, House, Education-?, Sydney
Christmas, George, Age 9?, Shanty, Education-School, Not of Roman Catholic Faith, Truro
Christmas, Herbert, Age 22, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Isabella, Age 1, House, Sydney
Christmas, Isabella, Age 2, House, Sydney
Christmas, Isabella, Age 21, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Jerry, Age 9 Months, House, Sydney
Christmas, John, Age 44, House, Education-?, Cooper/Farmer, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, John, Age 2 Months, House, Sydney
Christmas, Joseph, Age 26, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Magdelin, Age 24, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Margaret, Age 3, Wigwam, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary, Age 24, House, Education-?, Single, Sydney
Christmas, Mary Ange, Age 14, House, Education-School, Eskasoni
Christmas, Michael, Age 52, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Michael, Age 4, House, Sydney
Christmas, Noel, Age 13, Wigwam, Education-School, Eskasoni
Christmas, Noel, Age 10, House, Education-School, Eskasoni
Christmas, Noel, Age 5, House, Sydney
Christmas, Paul, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Antigonish
Christmas, Paul, Age 76, House, Education-?, Cooper/Farmer, Widower, Eskasoni
Christmas, Paul, Age 36, Wigwam, Education-?, Cooper/Farmer, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Sarah, Age 11, Shanty, Education- School, Not of Roman Catholic Faith, Truro
Christmas, Susan, Age 11, House, Education – School, Eskasoni
Christmas, Susan, Age 49, Shanty, Education – ?, Married, Not of Roman Catholic Faith, Truro
Christmas, Susan, Age 24, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Theresa, Age 40, Wigwam, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Thomas, Age 4, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Victor, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-School, Eskasoni

Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’

Doucette, Ann, Age 34, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Potlotek
Doucette, Catherine, Age 25, House, Education-?, Single, Eskasoni
Doucette, Esther, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Doucette, Fanny, Age 3, Shanty, Potlotek
Doucette, Flora, Age 34, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Doucette, Francis, Age 3, Shanty, Potlotek
Doucette, Joe, Age 40, Shanty, Education-?, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Doucette, Louis, Age 70, House, Education-?, Cooper/Farmer, Widower, Eskasoni
Doucette, Mary, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Doucette, Mary Ann, Age 14, House, Education-?, Eskasoni
Doucette, Mary Ann, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Doucette, Noel, Age 38, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Doucette, Noel, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek

Gabriel, Ann, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Bella, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Bernard, Age 76, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married
Gabriel, Bridget, Age 37, House, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Charlotte, Age 14, Shanty, Education-School, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Cristy, Age 48, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Antigonish
Gabriel, Eliza, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Elizabeth, Age “0” Months, Shanty, Antigonish
Gabriel, Ellen, Age 4, Shanty, Antigonish
Gabriel, Francis, Age 5, House, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Gabriel, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Isabell, Age 27, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Antigonish
Gabriel, Janet, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Janet, Age 2, Shanty, Antigonish
Gabriel, John, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish Town Division 2
Gabriel, Joseph, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Town of Antigonish
Gabriel, Lewis, Age 31, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Town of Antigonish
Gabriel, Louis, Age 49, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Magdalin, Age 1 Month, House, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Mary, Age 22, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Antigonish
Gabriel, Mary Ann, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Mary Ann, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Michael, Age 6 Months, Shanty, Antigonish
Gabriel, Moses, Age 58, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Antigonish
Gabriel, Nancy, Age 32, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Antigonish
Gabriel, Nancy, Age 41, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Antigonish
Gabriel. Nancy, Age 51, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Antigonish Town Division 2
Gabriel, Noel, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish
Gabriel, Noel, Age 10, Shanty, Education-School, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Richard, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish Town Division 2
Gabriel, Sarah, Age 22, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Antigonish
Gabriel, Sarah, Age 3, House, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Susan, Age 10, House, Education–School, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Vincent, Age 56, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Town of Antigonish Division 2

Isaac, Bella, Age 40, House, Education-?, Single, Sydney
Isaac, Jim, Age 11, House, Education-?, Sydney
Isaac, John, Age 75, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Isaac, John, Age 3, House, Sydney
Isaac, Joseph, Age 5, House, Sydney
Isaac, Mary, Age 26, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Isaac, Noel, Age 30, House, Education-?, Labourer, Married, Sydney
Isaac, Sally, Age 59, House, Education-?, Married, Sydney
Isaac, Sarah, Age 15, House, Education-?, Sydney
Isaac, Susie, Age 1, House, Sydney

Johnson, Benjamin, Age 12, House, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Charles, Age 3, House, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Elizabeth, Age 14, House, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, John, Age 20, House, Education-?, Farmer, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Joseph, Age 18, House, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Mary, Age 8, House, Education-?,Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Richard, Age 2 Months, House, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Sophia, Age 10, House, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Susan, Age 50, House, Education-?, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Thomas, Age 50, House, Education-?, Farmer, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F, originally of “African” descent

Michael, Anne, Age 78, House, Education-?, Widow, Eskasoni
Michael, Bella, Age 5, Shanty, North Mountain Cape Breton, Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby
Michael, Beloni (M), Age 36, Shanty, Education-?, Hunter/Fisherman, Married, North Mountain Cape Breton, Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby
Michael, John, Age 2, Shanty, North Mountain Cape Breton, Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby
Michael, May, Age 36, Shanty, Education-?, Married, North Mountain Cape Breton, Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby
Michael, Michael, Age 88, Shanty, Education-?, Widower, New Glasgow
Michael, Noel, Age 4, Shanty, North Mountain Cape Breton, Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby
Michael, Noel, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Michael, Sarah, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, North Mountain Cape Breton, Malakawe:j reserve or nearby

Mosier, Allan, Age 11, House, Education-?, Presbyterian, Dutch, Antigonish County Lochabor
Muse, Annie, Age 22, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Muse, Annie, Age 6, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Muse, Bridget, Age 2, Shanty, Antigonish
Muse, Charles, Age 22, House, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Married, Pictou County Hardwood Hill
Muse, Clemmet, Age 48, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Muse, Eliza, Age 3, House, Pictou County Hardwood Hill
Muse, Francis, Age 22, Shanty, Education-?, Hunter/Fisherman, Single, St. Peter’s
Muse, Joe, Age 28, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Antigonish
Muse, John, Age 28, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Muse, Joseph, Age 2, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Muse, Libby, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Muse, Magdelin, Age 21, House, Education-?, Married, Pictou County Hardwood Hill
Muse, Margaret, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Muse, Martha, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Muse, Mary, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County Hardwood Hill
Muse, Mary, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Muse, Morris, Age 4 Months, Shanty, Antigonish
Muse, Nancy, Age 24, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Antigonish
Muse, Nancy, Age 80, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Muse, Noel, Age 1, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F

Nicholas, Annie, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Anthony, Age 27, Shanty, Education-?, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Catherine, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Nicholas, Charlotte, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Nicholas, Christy, Age 56, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Elizabeth, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Antigonish Town Division 2
Nicholas, Joseph, Age 57, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Julia, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Colchester County Salmon River (Reserve)
Nicholas, Mary, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Nicholas, Oliver, Age 27, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve), originally from New Brunswick
Nicholas, Sally, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Samuel, Age 1, Shanty, Potlotek
Nicholas, Thomas, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Antigonish District 2

Noel, Abram, Age 21, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Truro
Noel, Agnes, Age 43, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, A. Mary, Age 15, House, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Andrew, Age 61, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Angelic, Age 5, Shanty, Wagmatcook
Noel, Ann, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Noel, Ann, Age 2, House, Whycocomagh
Noel, Anna, Age 43, Shanty, Education-?, Widow, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, Annie, Age 54, House, Education-?, Widow, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Bella, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook
Noel, Bella, Age 5, House, Education-School, Whycocomagh
Noel, Bernard, Age 40, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper/Hunter Married, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Noel, Bridget, Age 30, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Bridget, Age 25, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Caroline, Age 3, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Catherine, Age 89, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Charlotte, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, New Glasgow
Noel, Charlotte, Age 29, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Christy, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Dennis, Age 54, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Antigonish County Lochabor
Noel, Elizabeth, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, Elizabeth, Age 10, House, Education-School, Whycocomagh
Noel, Elizabeth, Age 21, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Ellen, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Ellen, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Freman, Age 55, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Gabriel, Age 6, House, Education-School, Whycocomagh
Noel, Harriet, Age 2, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Harriet, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Janet, Age 68, House, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Joe, Age 79, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Joe, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Joe, Age 27, House, Education-?, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, John, Age 47, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Noel, John, Age 47, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, John, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, John, Age 4, House, Whycocomagh
Noel, Joseph, Age 67, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Antigonish Division 2
Noel, Joseph, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Truro
Noel, Joseph, Age 48, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Levi, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Lewis, Age 31, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Louis, Age 30, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Madeline, Age 41, House, Education-?, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Margaret, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Margaret, Age 38, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Mary, Age 43, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Noel, Mary, Age 58, House, Education-?, Married, Antigonish County Lochaber
Noel, Mary, Age 44, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Antigonish Town Division 2
Noel, Mary, Age 22, Shanty, Education-?, Married, New Glasgow
Noel, Mary, Age 63, Shanty, Education-?, Widow, Truro
Noel, Mary, Age 9, Shanty, Education-School, Eskasoni
Noel, Mary, Age 38, House, Education-?, Farmer, Widow, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 73, House, Education-?, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 9, House, Education-School, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Mary, Age 1, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 62, Shanty, Education-?, Widow, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Mathew, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, New Glasgow
Noel, Michael, Age 38, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel. Michael, Age 1 Month, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Michael, Age 34, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Married, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Nancy, Age 28, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Nicholas, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Sherbrooke
Noel, Noel, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Noel, Age 18, House, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Wagmatcook
Noel, Noel, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Paul, Age 32, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Married, New Glasgow
Noel, Paul, Age 2 Months, Shanty, New Glasgow
Noel, Paul, Age 1, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Peter, Age 3, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Peter, Age 74, House, Education-?, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Peter, Age 24, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Prosper, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, Sarah, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Truro
Noel, Sarah, Age 33, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Simon, Age 29, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Sofie, Age 32, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Steven, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou Landing, Pictou County (Reserve)
Noel, Steven, Age 11, Shanty, Education-School, Eskasoni
Noel, Steven, Age 4, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Steven, Age 9, House, Education-School, Whycocomagh
Noel, Susan, Age 78, House, Education-?, Widow, Whycocomagh
Noel, Susan, Age 24, House, Education-?, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Thomas, Age 11 Months, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, Victoria, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Noel, William, Age 25, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Antigonish County St. Joseph’s
Noel, Mary, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick

Pictou, Annie, Age 64, Shanty, Education-?, Basketmaker, Widow, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Pictou, Annie, Age 18, Shanty, Education-School, Single, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area) Pictou, James, Age 24, Shanty, Education-?, Hunter/Fisherman, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Pictou, Mary, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Basketmaker, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Pictou, Noel, Age 33, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper/Farmer, Single, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Pictou, Sarah, Age 33, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)

Pierro, Angelic, Age 21, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Pierro, Joe, Age 1, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Pierro, Louis, Age 76, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Pierro, Noel, Age 4, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Pierro, Peter, Age 27, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)

Poulette, Charles, Age 36, House, Education-?, Miner, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Poulette, Ellen, Age 26, House, Education-?, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Poulette, James, Age 55, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Widower, Amherst
Poulette, Louis, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Poulette, Mary, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Single, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Poulette, Michael, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Amherst
Poulette, Noel, Age 3, House, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Poulette, Tatima (F), Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Amherst, originally from New Brunswick
Poulette, Theresa, Age 11, House, Education-?, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)

Richard, Ben, Age 5, House, Potlotek
Richard, Catherine, Age 37, House, Education-?, Married, Potlotek
Richard, Janet, Age 3, House, Potlotek
Richard, John, Age 60, House, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Margaret, Age 5 Months, House, Potlotek
Richard, Mary Ann, Age 7, House, Education-?, Potlotek
Richard, Mary Ann, Age 59, House, Education-?, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Nancy, Age 14, House, Education-?, Potlotek
Richard, Peter, Age 40, House, Education-?, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Richard, Sarah, Age 19, House, Education-?, Single, Potlotek

Salome, Anne, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, Town of Antigonish
Salome, Elizabeth, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish County St. Joseph’s
Salome, Joe, Age 62, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Widower, Antigonish County St. Joseph’s
Salome, Maggie, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Town of Antigonish
Salome, Mary Ann, Age 34, Shanty, Education-?, Widow, Town of Antigonish
Salome, Michael, Age 2, Shanty, Town of Antigonish

Sappier, Andrew, Age 55, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Catherine, Age 1, Shanty, Pictou Landing Pictou County (Reserve)
Sappier, Elizabeth, Age 23, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou Landing Pictou County (Reserve)
Sappier, Francis, Age 27, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou Landing Pictou County (Reserve)
Sappier, Jamie, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Larry, Age 6, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Libby, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Liza, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Louis, Age 56, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Louis, Age 4, Shanty, Pictou Landing Pictou County (Reserve)
Sappier, Madelin, Age 78, Shanty, Education-?, Widow, Pictou County Little Harbour, originally from Newfoundland
Sappier, Marcy, Age 52, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Mary, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Nancy, Age 1 Month, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Noel, Age 25?, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Peter, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Sappier, Sally, Age 41, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour

Selome, Jennet, Age 5, Shanty, Education-?, Antigonish County St. Joseph’s
Selome, Michael, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Antigonish County St. Joseph’s

Young, Agnes, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Married, Truro
Young, Charles, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Truro

1891 Census of Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia

[Note: In the 1891 Census, “Shanty” can mean shanty or wigwam. The numerals after “House” refer to the number of floors (the first number) and the number of rooms (the second number). Houses are made of wood unless indicated.]
Addle, Bella, Age 8, House 1/1, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Ben, Age 18, House 1/1, Literate, Cooper, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Jane, Age 84, House 1/1, Illiterate, Widow, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Katie, Age 33, House 1/1, Illiterate, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Madeline, Age 5, House 1/1, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Mary, Age 21, House 1/1, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Noel, Age 62, House 1/1, Literate, Carpenter, Widower, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Addle, Simon, Age 33, House 1/1, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)

Basque, Andrew, Age 38, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Basque, John, Age 7, Shanty, Illiterate, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Basque, June, Age 23, House 1/3, Illiterate, Single, Whycocomagh
Basque, May, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Basque, Michael, Age 31, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Pictou County Bailey’s Brook
Basque, Nancy, Age 2, Shanty, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Basque, Sarah, Age 28, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Bailey’s Brook
Basque, Simon, Age 28, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Basque, Susan, Age 27, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Town of Guysborough
Basque, William, Age 5, Shanty, Illiterate, Pictou County Bailey’s Brook

Battiste, Andrew, Age 37, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Battiste, Elizabeth, Age 28, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek
Battiste, Madlin, Age 11, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Battiste, Mary, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Heatherton (Afton Reserve Area)
Battiste, Mary Ann, Age 71, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widow, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area) Battiste, Nancy, Age 9, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Battiste, Stephen, Age 13, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Battiste, Theresa, Age 7, Shanty, Illiterate, Potlotek
Battiste, Tom, 10 Months, Shanty, Potlotek
Battiste, William, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)

Bernard, Annie, Age 6, Wigwam, Illiterate, North Sydney
Bernard, Ben, Age 5, House 1/3, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Cicily, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek
Bernard, Ellen, Age 2, House 1/1, Morland (Afton Reserve area)
Bernard, Francis, Age 14, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 60, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Francis, Age 31, House 1/3, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Francis, Age 36, House 1/1, Literate, Farmer/Fisherman, Married, Morland (Afton Reserve area)
Bernard, Gabriel, Age 89, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, Sydney
Bernard, Harriet, Age 40, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, North Sydney
Bernard, Hattie, Age 14, Dwelling-?, Illiterate, Queen’s County Subdivision Milton
Bernard, Larry, Age 45, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Madeline, Age 10, Illiterate, Wigwam, North Sydney
Bernard, Madeline, Age 50, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Madeline, Age 30, House 1/3, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Mary, Age 45, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 18, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 14, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary Jane, Age 12, Wigwam, Literate, North Sydney
Bernard, Michael, Age 25, House 1/3, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Noel, Age 16, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 8, House 1/3, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Bernard, Richard, Age 29, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Bernard, Sarah, Age 36, House 1/1, Literate, Married, Morland (Afton Reserve area)

Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’

Christmas, Benjam, Age 27, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Bridget, Age 17, House 2/7, Literate, Eskasoni
Christmas, Bridget, Age ? Months, Shanty, Sydney
Christmas, Cecily, Age 48, House 2/7, Illiterate, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Elizabeth, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Sydney
Christmas, Ellen, Age 13, House 2/7, Literate, Eskasoni
Christmas, Elvira, Age 11, Shanty, Literate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Christmas, Joe, Age 34, Shanty, Literate, Carpenter, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Christmas, Joe, Age 21, Shanty, Literate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Potlotek
Christmas, John, Age 51, House 2/7, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, John, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Sydney
Christmas, John, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Sydney
Christmas, John, Age 8 Months, Shanty, Potlotek
Christmas, Joseph, Age 7, Shanty, Illiterate, Sydney
Christmas, Madeline, Age 36, Shanty, Literate, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Christmas, Maggie, Age 19, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Single, Sydney
Christmas, Maggie, Age 13, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Sydney
Christmas, Maggie, Age 19, Shanty, Literate, Single, Potlotek
Christmas, Margaret, Age 8, Shanty, Literate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Christmas, Mary, Age 9, House 2/7, Literate, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary, Age 5, Shanty, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Christmas, Mary Ann, Age 4, Shanty, Sydney
Christmas, Mary E., Age 2, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Christmas, Michael, Age 8, Shanty, Illiterate, Sydney
Christmas, Mick, Age 11, House 2/7, Literate, Eskasoni
Christmas, Noel, Age 19, House 2/7, Literate, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Christmas, Noel, Age 14, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Sydney
Christmas, Noel, Age 23, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Sydney
Christmas, Novel (?M), Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Sydney
Christmas, Paul, Age 44, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Paul, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Sydney
Christmas, Sarah, Age 49, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Susan, Age 46, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, Sydney
Christmas, Susan, Age 26, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Sydney
Christmas, Thomas, Age 15, House 2/7, Literate, Eskasoni
Christmas, Victor, Age 4 Months, Shanty, No Location Listed
Christmas, Victor, Age 18, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Sydney

Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’

Doucette, Angelica, Age 46, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, West Bay Division 2 (Ma’lakawe:j, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Doucette, Angelis, Age 40, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek (Away)
Doucette, Joe, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek (Away)
Doucette, Joe, Age 5, Shanty, Potlotek (Away)
Doucette, Joseph, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Boatbuilder, Married, West Bay Division 2 (Ma’lakawe:j, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Doucette, Joseph, Age 6, Shanty, Illiterate, West Bay Division 2 (Ma’lakawe:j, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Doucette, Madeline, Age 8, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek (Away)
Doucette, Madeline, Age 9, Shanty, Illiterate, West Bay Division 2 (Ma’lakawe:j, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Doucette, Noel, Age 19, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Single, Potlotek (Away)
Doucette, Noel, Age 17, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, West Bay Division 1 (Ma’lakawe:j, a Cape Breton Reserve)

Gabriel, Bernard, Age 87, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Bridget, Age 49, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Charlotte, Age 24, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Christy, Age 53, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Francis, Age 16, Shanty, Illiterate, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Louis, Age 66, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Madelin, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Mary, Age 50, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Sally, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Susan, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, Eskasoni

Gregwar? [Gregoire], Noel, Age 50, House 1/1, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, Potlotek

Isaac, Bella, Age 51, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, Sydney
Isaac, John, Age 13, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Sydney
Isaac, Joseph, Age 15, Shanty, Illiterate, Sydney
Isaac, Nancy, Age 29, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Isaac, Noel, Age 40, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Sydney
Isaac, Peter, Age 9, Shanty, Illiterate, Sydney
Isaac, Sally, Age 71, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Sydney
Isaac, Susie, Age 11, Shanty, Illiterate, Sydney

Johnson, Amy, Age 21, House 1/2, Illiterate, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Ben, Age 20, House 1/2, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Charles, Age 13, House 1/2, Illiterate, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Elizabeth, Age 18, House 1/2, Illiterate, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Ellen, Age 4, House 1/1, Potlotek
Johnson, John, Age 30, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Widower, Potlotek
Johnson, Joseph, Age 25, House 1/2, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Mary, Age 17, House 1/1, Illiterate, Potlotek
Johnson, Mary, Age 16, House 1/2, Illiterate, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Noel, Age 2, House 1/1, Potlotek
Johnson, Richard, Age 10, House 1/2, Illiterate, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Sophie, Age 18, House 1/1, Illiterate, Single, Potlotek
Johnson, Sophie, Age 18, House 1/2, Illiterate, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Johnson, Susan, Age 63, House 1/2, Illiterate, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F (originally from Newfoundland)
Johnson, Thomas, Age 70, House 1/2, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F

Martin, Amy, Age 28, Shanty, Literate, Fisherman/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Martin, Ann, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Fisherman/Cooper, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Martin, John, Age 36, Shanty, Literate, Fisherman/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Martin, Mary, Age 61, House 1/1, Illiterate, Cooper, Widow, Potlotek
Martin, Rose, Age 2, Shanty, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)

Michael, Alex, Age 42, Dwelling Unspecified, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Queen’s County Subdistrict Milton
Michael, Andrew, Age 4, Shanty, Literate, Eskasoni
Michael, Angeline, Age 27, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Michael, Anna, Age 89, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Eskasoni
Michael, Annie, Age 25, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Michael, Bridget, Age 13, Shanty, Illiterate, Eskasoni
Michael, Bridget, Age 10, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Michael, Bridget, Age 35, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, North Sydney
Michael, Elizabeth, Age 20, Dwelling Unspecified, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Single, Queen’s County Subdistrict of Milton
Michael, James, Age 43, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, Eskasoni
Michael, John, Age 29, Wigwam, Literate, Cooper, Married, North Sydney
Michael, Madeline, Age 8, Wigwam, Illiterate, North Sydney
Michael, Mary, Age 9, Shanty, Literate, Eskasoni
Michael, Mary, Age 54, Dwelling Unspecified, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Queen’s County Subdistrict Milton
Michael, Mary, Age 6 Months, Wigwam, North Sydney
Michael, Mary, Age 50, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Single, North Sydney
Michael, Mary, Age 12, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Michael, Mary Catherine, Age 5 Months, Shanty, Potlotek
Michael, Mary Jane, Age 8, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Michael, Michael, Age 13, Wigwam, Literate, Cooper, North Sydney
Michael, Nancy, Age 25, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek
Michael, Noel, Age 27, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Sydney
Michael, Noel, Age 25, House 1/1, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Town of Guysborough Subdistrict F
Michael, Peter, Age 36, House 2/4, Illiterate, Lumberjack, Married, Shelburne County Port Clyde
Michael, Steven, Age 26, Wigwam, Literate, Cooper, Married, North Sydney
Michael, Steven, Age 26, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Michael, William, Age 4 Months, Wigwam, North Sydney

Muse, Caroline, Age 4, Shanty, Potlotek
Muse, Fred, Age 14, Shanty, Illiterate, Labourer, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Muse, Freman, Age 55, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Muse, James, Age 45, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widower, Queen’s County Subdistrict Milton
Muse, Joseph, Age 13, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Muse, Joseph, Age 28, Shanty, Illiterate, Steamdri(?), Married, King’s County Gaspereaux
Muse, Judith, Age 33, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek
Muse, Kate, Age 21, Shanty, Literate, Married, (may originally be from New Brunswick) King’s County Gaspereaux
Muse, Lizzie, Age 6, Shanty, Illiterate, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Muse, Maggie, Age 9, House 1/3, Illiterate, Queen’s County Mill Village
Muse, Mary, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Muse, Mary Jane, Age 9, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Muse, Nancy, Age 7, Shanty, Illiterate, Potlotek
Muse, Nancy, Age 97, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Potlotek
Muse, Oliver, Age 1, Shanty, Potlotek
Muse, Rachel, Age 9 Months, Shanty, King’s County Gaspereaux
Muse, Selina, Age 38, Shanty, Illiterate, Labourer, Widow, Guysborough County Cape Canso

Nicholas, Andrew, Age 6, House 1/1, Illiterate, Potolek
Nicholas, Anthony, Age 37, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Christy, Age 60, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Fannie, Age 3, House 1/1, Potlotek
Nicholas, John, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Potlotek
Nicholas, Joseph, Age 65, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married,
Nicholas, Louis, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Pictou County Little Harbour
Nicholas, Mary Ann, Age 28, House 1/1, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Michael, Age 6/12, House 1/1, Illiterate, Potlotek
Nicholas, Moses, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Pictou County Little Harbour
Nicholas, Paul, Age 4, House 1/1, Illiterate, Potlotek
Nicholas, Peter, Age 8, Shanty, Illiterate, Potlotek

Noel, Agnes, Age 35, House 1/3, Illiterate, Married, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Alice, Age 7, House 1/3, Illiterate, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Ann, Age 14, House 1/1, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Wagmatcook
Noel, Ann, Age 64, House 1/1, Illiterate, Single, Wagmatcook
Noel, Anna Bell, Age 3, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Bella, Age 18, Shanty, Literate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Ben, Age 12, House 1/3, Literate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Bridget, Age 40, Shanty, Literate, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Caroline, Age 3 Months, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Catherine, Age 45, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Whycocomagh
Noel, Catherine, Age 27, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Charles, Age 4, House 1/3, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Christopher, Age 21, House 1/3, Literate, Cooper, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Dennis, Age 60, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Noel, Eddy, Age 8, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Eliza, Age 13, House 1/3, Literate, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Elizabeth, Age 18, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Elizabeth, Age 20, House 1/3, Illiterate, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Ellen, Age 16, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Ellen, Age 12, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Noel, Ellen, Age 20, House 1/1, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Elsie, Age 2, House 1/3, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Elzabet, Age 4, House 1/3, Whycocomagh
Noel, Ester, Age 41, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Esther, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Gabriel, Age 16, House 1/3, Illiterate,Cooper, Whycocomagh
Noel, Hannah, Age 14, House 1/1, Illiterate, Pictou Landing
Noel, James, Age 44, House 1/3, Literate, Teamster, Married, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Janet, Age 84, House 1/1, Literate, Widow, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Jannet, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, John, Age 3, House 1/2, Queen’s County Mill Village
Noel, John, Age 62, House 2/4, Literate, Cooper, Married, Hants County South Rawdon and Uniacke
Noel, John, Age 60, House 1/1, Literate, Carpenter/Cooper, Married, Pictou Landing, originally from New Brunswick
Noel, Joseph, Age 37, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Joseph, Age 35, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Joseph, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Kate, Age 10, House 1/3, Literate, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, Louis, Age 40, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Lydia, Age 47, House 1/2, Illiterate, Married, Queen’s County Mill Village
Noel, Madaline, Age 14, House 1/3, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 48, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Widow, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 81, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Widow, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 50, House 1/1, Literate, Married, Pictou Landing
Noel, Mary, Age 4, House 1/1, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 67, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Noel, Mary, Age 17, House 2/4, Illiterate, Hants County South Rawdon and Uniacke
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 13, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 29, House 1/1, Literate, Single, Pictou Landing
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 66, House 2/4, Literate, Married, Hants County South Rawdon and Uniacke
Noel, Maurice, Age 30, House 1/1, Literate, Carpenter/Cooper, Single, Pictou Landing
Noel, Michael, Age 50, House 1/1, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Noel, Age 17, Shanty, Literate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Noel, Age 10, House 1/1, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Noel, Age 30, House 1/1, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Peter, Age 9, House 1/2, Illiterate, Queen’s County Mill Village
Noel, Rachel, Age 7, House 1/3, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, Sarah, Age 5, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Solomon, Age 58, House 1/2, Illiterate, Fisherman, Married, Queen’s County Mill Village
Noel, Sophia, Age 41, House 1/1, Illiterate, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Sophie, Age 40, House 1/3, Literate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Stephen, Age 18, House 1/3, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Stephen, Age 6, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Stephen, Age 7, House 1/1, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Steven, Age 42, House 1/3, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Susan, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Susan, Age 85, House 1/3, Illiterate, Widowed, Whycocomagh
Noel, Susan, Age 30, House 1/3, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Theresa, Age 5, House 1/3, Guysborough County Cape Canso
Noel, William, Age 11, Shanty, Illiterate, Whycocomagh
Noel, William, Age 61, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, William, Age 6 Months, House 1/1, Whycocomagh
Noel, Willie, Age 16, House 1/1, Illiterate, Carpenter/Cooper, Pictou Landing

Pictou, Ann, Age 27, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Pictou, Ann Mary, Age 27, Wigwam, Literate, Married, Guysborough County Forks St. Mary’s
Pictou, James, Age 35, Wigwam, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Guysborough County Forks St. Mary’s
Pictou, Jim, Age 32, House 1/1, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Heatherton (Afton Reserve area)
Pictou, John, Age 14, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Queen’s County Subdistrict Of Milton
Pictou, John, Age 36, House 2/4, Illiterate, Farmer, Married, Yarmouth County Argyle, originally from N.?
Pictou, Joseph, Age 6, House 1/2, Yarmouth County Argyle
Pictou, Margaret, Age 36, House 2/4, Illiterate, Married, Yarmouth County Argyle
Pictou, Mary F., Age 3, House 2/4, Yarmouth County Argyle
Pictou, Simon P., Age 1, House 2/4, Yarmouth County Argyle
Pictou, William J., Age 6, House 2/4, Yarmouth County Argyle

Poulete, Noel, Age 15, House 1/1, Literate, Morland (Afton Reserve area)
Poulette, Charles, Age 56, House 1/1, Illiterate, Farmer/Fisherman, Married, Morland (Afton Reserve area)
Poulette, Jane, Age 6, House 1/1, Morland (Afton Reserve area)
Poulette, Julia, Age 46, House 1/1, Literate, Married, Morland (Afton Reserve area)

Richard, Ben, Age 15, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Richard, Charles, Age 6, Shanty, Potlotek
Richard, Jane, Age 13, Shanty, Literate, Potltoek
Richard, John, Age 73, House 1/1, Literate, Cooper, Widower, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Katie, Age 47, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Potlotek
Richard, Maggie, Age 11, Shanty, Literate, Potlotek
Richard, Mary Ann, Age 17, Shanty, Illiterate, Potlotek
Richard, Peter, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Richard, Sarah, Age 29, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, Potlotek
Richard, Stephen, Age 2, Shanty, Potlotek

Salome, Ben, Age 30, House 1/1, Literate, Farmer, Single, Morland (Afton Reserve area)
Salome, Joseph, Age 80, House 1/1, Literate, Farmer, Widower, Morland (Afton Reserve area)

Sappier, Joseph, Age 1, House 1/2, Pictou Landing
Sappier, Joseph, Age 10, Shanty, Illiterate, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Kate, Age 13, House 1/2, Illiterate, Pictou Landing
Sappier, Mary Ann, Age 10, House 1/2, Illiterate, Pictou Landing
Sappier, Mathew, Age 5, Shanty, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Matty (F), Age 41, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Matty (F), Age 1, Shanty, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Noel, Age 3, Shanty, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Paul, Age 42, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Married, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Peter, Age 45, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Sue, Age 8, Shanty, Illiterate, Pictou County Subdistrict Lome
Sappier, Tom, Age 8, House 1/2, Illiterate, Pictou Landing

Simon, Harriet, Age 11, Dwelling Not Specified, Literate, Cooper, Eskasoni
Simon, Judith, Age 25, House 1/1, Illiterate, Married, Pictou Landing
Simon, Mary, Age 5, House 1/1, Pictou Landing
Simon, Mary Ann, Age 27, Dwelling Unspecified, Literate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Simon, Michael, Age 35, House 1/1, Literate, Cooper, Married, Pictou Landing
Simon, Nancy, Age 9, Dwelling Unspecified, Literate, Cooper, Eskasoni
Simon, Noel, Age 40, Dwelling Unspecified, Literate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni

Suprine?, Ann Mary, Age 10, Shanty, Literate, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Cateline, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Charlie, Age 5, Shanty, Illiterate, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Elizabeth, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Frank, Age 38, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Widower, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Joseph, Age 1, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Lewis, Age 67, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Louis, Age 14, Shanty, Literate, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Mary, Age 65, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Mary, Age 4, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Mathew, Age 8 Months, Location Not Given
Suprine, Michael, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Noel, Age 32, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Peter, Age 40, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Sally, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Little Harbour
Suprine?, Thomas, Age 4, Shanty, Pictou County Little Harbour

* – From Change in the Real Property Law of a Cape Breton Island Micmac Band, Volume II by Daniel P. Strouthes, Ph.D dissertation, Yale University, 1994, pp.666-725.

Also see Mi’kmaq in the Parish Registers of St. Pierre & Miquelon


From the Micmac News, September, 1985, page 30, in an article on the North Sydney Holy Cross Cemetary, the following Mi’kmaq names are listed:

Bernard, Angus Born-1923 Died-October 19, 1923 Age-6 months Place of Birth-North Sydney
Bernard, Ben Born-1886 Died-July 15, 1924 Age-38 Place of Birth-Whycocomagh
Bernard, Larry Born-1846 Died-April 1, 1923 Age-77 Place of Birth-Nyanza
Bernard, Roderick Born-1923 Died-May 31, 1923 Age-3 weeks Place of Birth-North Sydney
Capou, Ben Born-1915 Died-January 24, 1920 Age-4 Place of Birth-Not recorded
Cremo, Mary Born-1922 Died-January 11, 1923 Age-2 months Place of Birth-North Sydney

I am very grateful to Diane Chisholm and the Mi’kmak Resource Centre for having provided me authorization to post the above-noted information.

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