Note: Canada Post is currently striking in Canada, delaying shipments for an unknown amount of time.

Ile Percée

BOISSEL, his wife and 8 children – LAMOTTE, his wife and 4 children – LESPINE his wife and
4 children – LEGASCOU and his wife – LE BASQUE, Pierre and his wife.

Summary: 59 persons.
General Summary of all the people, men, women and children, who are at Port-Royal, Cap-de-Sable,
La Halve, Mirliguaiche, Baye des Mines, Rivière St-Jean, Pesmonquady, Megais, Pentagouet, Beaubassin, Miramichy, Chedahoucton, Nepisigny and Isle Perceé: 885 persons, 222 guns, 986 cattle, 896 arpents of
cultivated land, 759 sheep, 608 hogs.

I am grateful to Joe Crochet who provided the above-noted information for the… “In Search of Our Acadian Roots” CD-ROM ©1994 (now available in Windows Version).

Secondary Source #1: Book entitled ‘Acadians in Exile’ by Reverend Donald Hebert.

Secondary Source #2: Book entitled ‘The Acadian Families 1686’ by Winston DeVille [English Translation].

Secondary Source #3: Microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada

* with corrections by Yvon Cyr