Note: Canada Post is currently striking in Canada, delaying shipments for an unknown amount of time.

Instructions for using Individual Family Tree Genealogy database with Brothers Keeper software

1. The USB will automatically open to the USB Menu.

2. From the USB menu, click on the file labelled ‘BK6’, then select ‘bksetup6’, to install the Brother’s Keeper Program on your computer hard drive, (you only need do this ONCE). After the BK program installation is complete, open Brother’s Keeper from the new icon on your desktop.

  1. Double-click the newly created BK6 icon to start the program.
  2. The FIRST TIME you start the program, you will be prompted for the location of the data files: Click on the drop-down [small, black] arrow [pointing down] and then highlight your computer’s USB drive in which you have placed the USB, (usually D: or E:). DO NOT CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLDERS LISTED… merely highlight the drive letter and then click the OK button.
  3. When you start the program thereafter, the data files should automatically appear. IF NOT, then click on FILE, then OPEN DATABASE and when you are prompted for the location of the data files, follow the above-noted instructions to load the database files. Note: You will know when you have properly accessed a data base file, since the number of names and families will appear at the bottom of the BK opening screen.

IMPORTANT: You will NOT be able to view the information on the USB until/unless you have accessed the USB drive where the data files are located. You will know you are in the proper drive, when the bottom of the main screen shows the drive letter and number of people in the database (in the “Names” portion of the main screen). If a number does NOT appear in the “Names” section of the main screen, then you are NOT in the proper drive. Review the instruction document. Brother’s Keeper provides excellent reports and charts. The many choices are located under the “Descendants”, “Ancestors” and “Lists” tabs, in the Main Menu screen.

3. The Brother’s Keeper program should open within about 15 seconds. To start the reports and charts, pick from the choices under DESCENDANT, ANCESTOR, LISTS and OTHER. [A good place to start to see all the names on the USB, is by clicking on LISTS, then ALPHABETICAL DISPLAY (Last name) which will provide a complete list of names on the USB. Then double-click any name to see the details of same]. You can also use the F3 “Find” key to search for any/all individuals on the USB.

PLEASE NOTE: You do NOT need to register the Brother’s Keeper Program, in order to be able to use it!

Special Note 2: If you see an error message, such as… “Error during CREATE. d:\BK6\Person.DT6 STAT=94″… it is because you are attempting to use the Brother’s Keeper program to view files within a folder, on the USB. DO NOT use the Brother’s Keeper Program to view the files inside the numerous folders on the USB. For example, you should use a word processing program to view the historical text files in the DOCUMENT folder.

Special Note 3: If you choose to transfer the data files to your hard drive, you will need to make certain the “file attributes” are _not_ set to “READ ONLY”, otherwise BK will not work properly (it won’t be able to “read” the data files). To do this, right-click on each data file, choose “properties” and then make certain you TURN OFF the “read Only” attribute… just click on the “READ ONLY” attribute (to remove the check mark) and then pick “Apply”. Summary: While the files are on the USB, they will always be “Read Only” (and this is normal). However, when they are transferred to the hard drive, the “Read Only” attribute must be turned off, as previously described.

4. Using the “search” option: After you have clicked on “Edit”, you will be taken to the edit screen. While in the edit screen, click on “Find” (or press F3 on your keyboard) and then on “find a person”. Type the name or number of the person (if you know it) you are looking for. Or, type ‘?’ in place of the first or last name.

5. Brother’s Keeper provides excellent reports and charts. The many choices are located under the “Descendants”, “Ancestors” and “Lists” tabs, in the Main Menu screen.

6. To access the other files and information contained on the USB please follow these steps:

  1. Double-click on the “My Computer” or the ‘file folder’ icon on the desktop.
  2. Select the USB drive
  3. Click on “Family Crests” “Maps” “PowerPoints” etc..

Windows Operating Systems

The enclosed USB(s) has/have been UPDATED and will work with any/all versions of Windows Operating Systems.  In the event you purchased earlier copies of my “specific surnames” USB(s) and they are NOT operating on Vista or Windows, you should uninstall the current version of BK from your computer since, when you install the enclosed USB, the BK program on your computer will automatically be updated.  Be certain to review the latest instructions on my website in the F&Q section. You will find a link there, to source the required BK updates.


(Please read this before using USBs)

  • All USBs are created from the same master and therefore it is NOT POSSIBLE for a manufactured USB to be defective!
  • This, combined with the fact that none of the genealogical information contained on the USBs is encrypted and may be easily copied, means I cannot accept returns and will not issue refunds.  Sorry.
  • Should you encounter any difficulties in using the USB, please email us at: [email protected]  Every effort will be made to assist you!

In summary then, all software and accompanying database material is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and Acadian-Cajun Genealogy shall not be liable for any use of (or inability to use) this product.

Additional/important information available at:


PS: Interesting in sourcing some very unique gifts/products (imprinted with YOUR OWN family crest) for your next family reunion? Please visit the Acadian-Cajun & French-Canadian Online Boutique, at http://cafepress/acadstore/