Parish of Port Royal

LeBASQUE and wife, sons 2.

Francois LeBASQUE and wife.

Francois MOYSE and wife, sons 1.

Widow RICHARD, sons 4, daughters 2.

Widow OLIVIER, sons 3, daughters 2. P

ARISIEN and wife, sons 3, daughters 1.

DUBOIS and wife, sons 1.

Rene FORET and wife, sons 5, daughters 5.

Emmanuel HEBERT and wife.

Alexandre HEBERT and wife, sons 1.

Widow BEAUPRE, sons 2.

Pierre de BEAUPRE and wife, sons 1.

Rene de BEAUPRE and wife, daughters 1.

Michel de BEAUPRE and wife, son 1.

Augustin COMMEAU and wife.


Claude THIBODEAU and wife, sons 1, daughters 2.

Widow THIBODEAU, sons 1.

Charles LANDRY and wife, sons 1, daughters 2.

Francois GIROUARD and wife, sons 2, daughters 1.

Claude GIROUARD and wife, daughters 1.

Charles GIROUARDand wife.

Widow NANTAIS, sons 2, daughters 1.

Jacques GIROUARD and wife, sons 1, daughters 4.

Alexandre GIROUARD and wife, sons 1, daughters 4.

Guillaurme GIROUARD and wife, daughters 1.


MARIN and wife, sons 8, daughters 1.

Etienne MARTIN and wife, sons 2, daughters 1.

Antoine THIBODEAU and wife, sons 1, daughters 5.

Michel HIBODEAU and wife, sons 4, daughters 2.

Guillaume BLANCHARD and wife.

Rene BLANCHARD and wife, sons 3.



La TIBAUDE, 1 son.

La ROSSETTE and wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters.

Abraham COMMEAU and wife, 2 sons, 5 daughters.

Claude PITRE and wife, 2 sons, 6 daughters.

Pierre COMMEAU and wife, 4 sons, 3 daughters.

Joseph COMMEAU and wife, 1 daughter.

Pierre MARTIN and wife, 1 daughter.

Pierre MARTIN, Jr. and wife, 8 sons, 3 daughters.

Baptiste PELLERIN and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Le BRETON and wife, 8 sons, 2 daughters.

Francois PITRE and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Pierre GODET and wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters.

Bertrand GODET and wife, 2 sons, 4 daughters.

Antoine HEBERT and wife, 2 sons, 7 daughters.

LIONNAIS and wife, 1 son.

Widow BOURGEOIS, 2 sons, 4 daughters.

Guillaume BOURGEOIS and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Pierre COMMEAU and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Jean COMMEAU and wife, 2 sons, 5 daughters.

RICHARD and wife, 3 sons.

BROUSSARD and wife, 5 sons.

Pierre LeBLANC and wife, 4 sons, 3 daughters.

Francois ALLARD and wife, 1 son, 2 daughters.

LAFONT and wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.

La BAUVE and wife, 2 sons, 5 daughters.

LaMARQUIS and wife.

Jean EMMANUEL and wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters.

Guillaume BLANCHARD and wife, 2 sons.

Pierre LANOUE and wife, 5 sons.

Jean DUPUIS and wife, 3 sons, 4 daughters.

Antoine BLANCHARD and wife, 1 son, 2 daughters.

Claude TERRIOT and wife.

Germain SAVOYE Sr. and wife, 4 sons, 1 daughter.

Germain SAVOYE Jr. and wife, 3 sons.

Houel DENIS and wife, 1 daughter.

Rene BARNABE and wife, 7 sons, 2 daughters.

Widow ABRAHAM, 2 sons, 4 daughters.

Antoine BRUN and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Claude BRUN and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Jean BRUN and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Sebastien BRUN.

Marc PITRE and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Widow BREAU, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Jean BREAU and wife, 3 sons, 3 daughters.

Jean DUBUY and wife.

BEAUMONT and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

Alexandre COMMEAU and wife, 1 son, 2 daughters.

Maistre JEAN and wife, 3 sons, 4 daughters.

Laurent DOUCET and wife, 7 sons, 2 daughters.

Jacques NANTAIS and wife, 1 son, 2 daughters.

RAIMOND and wife, 3 sons, 1 daughter.

Charles DONAT and wife, 8 sons, 1 daughter.

MAILLARD and wife, 3 sons, 3 daughters.

Charles BOUDROT and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

VILATTE and wife, 1 son, 2 daughters.

PELLERIN, Sr. and wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.

SURETTE and wife, 2 sons.

Charles LANDRY and wife, 3 sons, 1 daughter.

Michel BOUDROT and wife.

LaVERDURE and wife.

SAVARY and wife.

Pierre LANDRY, widower, 4 sons.

Prudent ROBICHAUX and wife, 5 sons, 5 daughters.

Francois ROBICHAUX and wife, 2 sons, 3 daughters.

SAINT-MICHEL and wife, 6 sons, 4 daughters.

Etienne COMMEAU and wife.

Louis ALLAIN and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Charles CADET and wife, 8 sons, 2 daughters.

Widow LESSOILLE, 2 sons.

SAMSON and wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters.

BLONDIN and wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters.

Jean BELIVEAU and wife, 2 sons, 4 daughters.

BIDEAU and wife, 2 sons, 3 daughters.

GENTIL and wife, 1 daughter.

Jacques GOUSILLE and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

LANGLOIS and wife, 2 sons, 3 daughters.

Maurice VIGNEAU and wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters.

LaPIERRE and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

CHAMPAGNE or ORILLON and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Abraham DUGAST and wife, 4 sons, 2 daughters.

DAMBOISE and wife, 3 sons, 3 daughters.

Rene GRANGER and wife, 5 sons, 3 daughters.

Francois BOUDROT and wife, 6 sons, 2 daughters.



Jean DOUCET and wife.

SAINT-LOUIS and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.


LaVERGNE and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

PETITPAS and wife.

BONAPPETIT , or LaLANDE, and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Pierre SIMON and wife, 2 sons, 3 daughters.

Charles de PONBOMCOUP and wife, 1 daughter.

Baptiste LANDRY and wife, 1 daughter.

BABINOT and wife.

Claude LANDRY and wife, 1 son.

PARIS and wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Francois CROSS and wife, 4 sons, 2 daughters.

Mer SAINT-SCENE and wife, 2 daughters.

SAINT-SCENE and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

L’ESPERANCE and wife.

MANCEAU and wife.

POTIER and wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.

Abraham BOURC and wife, 4 sons 1 daughter.

Pierre BOURC and wife.

Claude GRANGE and wife, 3 sons, 1 daughter.

Laurent GRANGE and wife, 2 daughters.

Rene DOUCET and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

Alexandre RIBICHOC and wife, 1 son, 5 daughters.

LaLIBERTE and wife, 4 sons, 2 daughters.

Charles MELANSON and wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.

Ambroise MELANSON and wife, 4 sons, 3 daughters.

Widow BELIVEAUX, 3 sons, 1 daughter.

Jean MELANSON and wife.

Pierre MELANSON and wife, 1 daughter.

Claude MELANSON and wife.

Charles GUILLEBEAU and wife, 4 sons, 3 daughters.

Bernard BOURC and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

Abraham BOURC and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Claude DUGAS and wife, 4 sons, 5 daughters.

Francois DUGAS.

DELAURIER and wife, 3 sons, 1 daughter.

Bernard DELAURIER and wife, 1 daughter.

CLEMENCEAU and wife, 1 son, 3 daughters.

Jacques CORNE and wife, 2 daughters.

Alexandre RICHARD and wife, 4 sons.

Mathieu DOUCET and wife, 1 son.

LaMONTAGNE and wife, 3 sons, 3 daughters.

Alexandre LaMONTAGNE and wife, 1 son, 4 daughters.

Pierre BROUSSARD and wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.

Clement VINCENT and wife, 2 sons, 3 daughters.

YVON and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Jacques LaMONTAGNE and wife, 1 son, 1 daughter.

Francois TOURANGEAU and wife.

I am grateful to Joe Crochet who provided the above-noted information for the… “In Search of Our Acadian Roots” CD-ROM ©1994 (now available in Windows Version).

The original census can be found on microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada.

* with corrections by Yvon Cyr